International Conference on Responsible Fisheries and Sustainable Aquaculture

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The 1st International Conference on Responsible Fisheries and Sustainable Aquaculture, slated for July 2024, offers a dynamic platform for global experts, researchers, academia, industry, and policymakers to convene and exchange insights. With a core theme of “Navigating the Current of Change,” attendees will delve into a diverse array of topics spanning sustainable practices and innovative solutions within the realms of fisheries and aquaculture. Over the course of three days, participants will engage in fruitful discussions, share experiences, and address the complex challenges facing these vital sectors.

The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (2023) stated that the Philippines’ fisheries sector produced 4.3 million metric tons of 20 major fishery products including 5 species that were noted to have increased in production, namely, seaweed, skipjack, yellowfin tuna, squid, and big-eye scad. Capture fisheries and farming play a significant role of the fisheries sector in the Philippines, both economically and in terms of food security. Moreover, it also presents export opportunities that contributes to economic growth of the country. This is possible through sustainable management practices and innovative solutions to challenges as a result from interdisciplinary cooperations and research efforts.

This conference promises to be a pivotal event for shaping the future of responsible fisheries and sustainable aquaculture on a global scale. It seeks to catalyze positive change in the industry, ensuring the continued health and vitality of aquatic ecosystems while meeting the needs of present and future generations.

Keynote Speakers

Prof. J. Prospero E. De Vera III

Chairman, CHED

Engr. Romela N. Ratilla, DPA

Regional Director,DOST-X

Plenary Speakers

Prof. Dr. Sebahattin Ergün

Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkiye

Natural Fish Feed Additives in Health and Immunity

Dr. Emre Keskin

Ankara University, Turkiye

Echoes of Biodiversity: How eDNA Metabarcoding Amplifies Conservation Efforts

Prof. Dr. Khor Waiho

Prof. Dr. Khor Waiho

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

Adapting to the Heat: Understanding Climate Change Impacts on Mud Crabs for Sustainable Aquaculture

Prof. Kyoko Kusakabe

Prof. Kyoko Kusakabe

Asian Institute of Technology

Empowering Women for Sustainable Seas: Gender-Inclusive Strategies in Fisheries and Aquaculture Management


Aquaculture Sustainability and Innovation

Aquaculture Sustainability and Innovation

Responsible Fisheries Management

Responsible Fisheries Management

aquatic Health and Disease Management

Aquatic Health and Disease Management

Environment Conservation and Biodiversity

Environmental Conservation and Biodiversity

Socioeconomic and Community Aspects

Socioeconomic and Community Aspects

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