Mindanao State University at Naawan

Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Planning and Development

Cabactulan, F. (1)
FREDERICK B. CABACTULAN - VCSPI, Director for M & E, Director for Procurement

Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Planning and Development

The Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Planning and Development (OVCPD) is envisioned as the prime mover of institutional development in accordance with its Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives (VMGO). The clamor for quality and excellent services from an academic institution requires more than just lip service. It should be embodied by all members of the institution through its structure and development efforts. With the foregoing premise, it becomes imperative that an office/unit be created to spearhead all undertakings related to planning and development, monitoring and evaluation, and quality and management system.

The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Planning and Development is in charge of overseeing the following Offices:

Office of the Institutional Planning and Development
  • Planning and Programming
  • Project Development and Management
Office of the Quality Assurance and Management System
  • Program Certification
  • Institutional Quality Assurance Audit
  • Institutional Certification/Accreditation
Office of the Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Performance Data Collection
  • Data Management and Analysis
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