Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs

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Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs
The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (OVCAA) was created per MSU-BOR Resolution No. 72 s. 2008. As per Article 9, Section 103 of the MSU Code of Governance, unless otherwise provided, the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs shall be responsible to the Chancellor for the supervision of academic support service units including the library, secondary education, office of the registrar and office of the student affairs. It shall be responsible for the supervision of the coordination staff for instruction, research, and extension, and shall assist in the planning, monitoring, reviewing, and coordination of policies, programs, systems, and standards pertaining to instructional, curricular, students, academic personnel and library matters of the campus. It shall be responsible for the implementation of admission and scholarship programs and shall perform such other functions and duties as the Chancellor may assign.
The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs is in charge of overseeing Colleges in their pursuit of high-quality education, community outreach, and capital generation for the University. The following are the semi-academic units directly under the supervision of the OVCAA:
Office of the Registar, Admission and Scholarship (ORAS)
- Admission and Scholarship
- Student Records
- Registration and Clearance
Office of the Cultural and Sports Development
- Technical
- Sports and Technical Equipment
- Wardrobe and Housekeeping
- Culture & Arts
- Performing Arts/ Dance Troupe
- Music/Choir
- Visual & Literacy
- Sports Development
- Varsity Teams
- Sports Club
Office of National Service Training Program
- Reserve Officers Trainings Corps
- Civic Welfare Training Service
- Literacy Training Service
Office of the Campus Library
- Collection and Development
- Organization of Development
- Maintenance of the Collection and Other Library Facilities
- Introducing Collection to Different Users
- Circulation and Control of Library Materials / Facilities
Office of the Student Services and Development
- Student Welfare and Services
- Guidance and Counselling
- Student Publication
- Alumni Relations