Office of the Chancellor

Office of the Chancellor
The Chancellor is the executive officer and the head of the faculty of the Mindanao State University at Naawan, he/she is directly responsible to the President for the administration of Mindanao State University and also performs other functions that the Boards of Regents or the president may delegate him/her. The Office of the Chancellor is the executive office of Mindanao State University at Naawan. The office supervises campus operations through the related offices of the Vice Chancellors, and Deans of the schools and colleges of the university.
The Office of the Chancellor is in charge of overseeing the Office of the Vice Chancellors in their pursuit of high-quality education, research and development, community outreach, administrative operations, capital generation, and utilization, planning, execution, standardization, and evaluation and monitoring for the University. The following are the Vice Chancellor’s offices directly under the supervision of the Office of the Chancellor:
- Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
- Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, Innovation, and Global Engagement
- Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
- Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Strategic Planning and Initiatives (OVCSPI)
The Chancellor is also in charge of overseeing the following offices:
- Office of the Campus Secretary (OCS)
- Office of Global Engagement and Partnership (OGEP)
- Office of the Internal Audit Services (OIAS)
- Office of Information, Press and Publication (OIPP)
- Information and Communication Technology Center (ICTC)
The Chancellor is also the head of the schools and colleges of the university:
- School of Marine Fisheries and Technology
- College of Marine and Allied Sciences
- College of Agriculture, Forestry and Environmental Sciences
- College of Business Administration and Accountancy
- College of Education and Social Sciences
School and Colleges
- School of Marine Fisheries & Technology
- College of Marine & Allied Sciences
- College of Agriculture Forestry & Environmental Science
- College of Business Administration & Accountancy
- College of Education & Social Science
- Integrated Developmental School
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, Innovation, and Global Engagement
- Research Division
- Extension Division
- Research & Extension Publication Office (REPO)
- Museum & Indigenous People Center (MIPC)
- Intellectual Property Rights Division (IPRO)
- Gender & Development Division (GAD)
- Center for Aquaculture Research & Extension Services (CARES)
- Institute for Peace & Development in Mindanao (IPDM)
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
- Office of the Finance Services (OFS)
- Accounting Division
- Cashiering Division
- Budget Management Division
- Office of the Administrative Services
- Security & Investigation division
- Supply & Property Management Division
- Procurement Service Division
- Medical & Health Division
- Resident & Food Services Division
- Physical Plant Division
- Physical Planning & Development Section
- Ground & Building Maintenance & Janitorial Section
- Motorpool & Transportation Section
- Office of Disaster Risk Reduction & Management
- Human Resource Management Division
- Recruitment, Selection, Promotion & Appointment Section
- Learning & Development & HR Accreditation Management Section