Institute for Peace and Development in Mindanao

Institute for Peace and Development in Mindanao
The Institute for Peace and Development in Mindanao (IPDM) of Mindanao State University – Naawan is one of the seven units of the Mindanao State University Peace Initiative. It was created by BOR Resolution # 107, series of 2007 as the Mindanao State
University (MSU) system’s proactive response to Executive Order 570 of September 2006. The said executive order is part of the national government’s efforts to institutionalize and integrate peace into basic and tertiary education by including the teaching and learning of peace into the mandates of the Department of Education and Higher Education Institutions.
To provide a venue for young individuals who want to engage and promote peace through:
• Self- Development
• Education about peace and related issues
• Friendship and solidarity
• Community involvement
• Dialogues and interactions
• Appreciation and respect for interconnections and distinctiveness of cultures and faith.
• Advocating for peace and non-violent solutions for Mindanao
• Linking the academe with multi-sector stakeholders through peace education, peace research, and peace action
• Understanding Mindanao’s challenges of today by learning (from) its history
• Analyzing root causes of conflict and monitoring the course of violent conflict and its effects
• Initiating dialogue across conflict lines