Extension Division

Extension Division
The Extension Division, formerly the Fisheries Technology Resource Center (FTRC), is the training and extension arm of the University. FTRC was created and headed by a director when the Mindanao State University-Institute of Fisheries Research and Development (MSU-IFRD) was restructured (BOR Resolution No. 285 s. 1981) in 1981. On April 4, 2007, the incumbent head of Extension was designated as Dean to institute plans and manage the training and extension programs of the Campus. In keeping with the university-wide accepted standard for office nomenclature, the Dean title for FTRC office head was retitled Director for Extension in 2009. Since its creation, the Extension Division has been an integral component of the University committed to providing lifelong, continuing education for the people of the regions it serves guided by the principle of helping people to help themselves. Educational changes in people are a prerequisite to progress in a democratic society. The philosophy of Extension is that people be assisted within a democratic framework to achieve knowledge and progress. The catchphrases: sustained programs, transformed communities, and empowered families encapsulate the heart of the extension programs of the Mindanao State University at Naawan. It is envisioned that these programs provide more opportunities for economic development and transformation of communities as well as promote resource management and sustainable development of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in the Southern Philippines. Moreover, the University through the years has been instrumental in promoting aquaculture and coastal resource management in Mindanao.
The MSUN extension with relevant, programmatic, and creative trainings and interventions that are mindful of community’s needs leading to economic development and transformation
The MSUN extension with relevant, programmatic, and creative trainings and interventions that are mindful of community’s needs leading to economic development and transformation.
Proactively transform individuals and communities towards economic stability and social security while maintaining environmental integrity.
- Promote sustainable participation of university constituents in the implementation of extension priority programs
- Design systems to increase knowledge and technology transfer and improve community adopters’ productivity, efficiency, and quality of life
- Improve technology packaging through extension or business incubation for commercialization
To translate the Division’s goal to proactively transform communities towards economic development through relevant training and interventions aligned with the eleven (11) identified priority areas:
- Sustainable Food Production in Fisheries and Aquaculture
- Environmental Conservation
- Crops and livestock
- Sustainable Agroforestry
- Entrepreneurship
- Agri-fisheries-based Skill Enhancement
- Literacy Enrichment and continuing education
- Socio-cultural and Psycho-social Wellness
- University-generated and adopted technology
- Peace and Development
- Local Governance
The Division adopts the following STRATEGIES:
Develop efficient strategies to attain peace and gender equality, educational equity, relevant technology, food security, and disaster resilience;
Adopt effective knowledge transfer mechanisms such as collaborative extension programs and services to address pressing issues in the community;
Respond and support national and global development agenda by mobilizing available resources and personnel expertise;
Encourage participation of faculty and students, campus officials, and other stakeholders in extension programs to maximize human resources and strengthen services;
Sustain and enhance extension programs and services to facilitate community transformation and empowerment and provide long-term benefits from the learning experiences offered by MSU at Naawan Extension Division.
Quality Policy
The Extension Division is committed to carrying out responsive extension services by building capacities for food security, technology transfer, entrepreneurial skill enhancement, functional literacy, peace and development, gender equality, and environmental integrity.