On September 22, 2023, an Evaluation of the Campus Land Use Development and Infrastructure Plan (LUDIP) of MSU at Naawan was conducted by the members of the CHEDRO Technical Working Group from the agencies identified in CHED Administrative Order 1, Series of 2022.
The Evaluation Committee headed by Dr. Zohrahaydah M. Panawidan, OIC – Chief Education Program Specialist from CHED XII, evaluated MSU at Naawan’s LUDIP based on the parameters that have been identified pursuant to the requirements of RA 11396 and its IRR, and the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP).
Evaluators commended MSUN for being the 1st among all MSU campuses to craft its LUDIP. They also acknowledged MSU at Naawan’s LUDIP TWG, headed by its chairperson, Dr. Flordeline A. Cadelina, for its comprehensive preparation of the said plan despite the late formulation of the evaluation and monitoring tool. They highlighted that the campus’s LUDIP only needs fine-tuning on some parts to ensure that it follows the identified parameters.
Prof. Renoir Abrea, OIC/VCRE, along with Ms. Arleen B. UY, Vice Chancellor for Planning and Development expressed his gratitude to the members of the LUDIP Evaluation committee for their valuable insights needed for polishing the campus’s LUDIP.