Office of the Registrar, Admission and Scholarship
Guidelines & Policies
- Academic Year and Calendar
The campus follows the prescribed framework (program mode-semester) in determining the academic year, which is computed as two semesters ( 1st and 2nd) and one summer. The school days shall consist of not less than 18 weeks per semester and six (6) weeks for summer classes.
The Academic Calendar is established in conformity with the academic year and reflects all academic undertaking and activities.
- Orientation and General Convocation
Convocation and orientation program for all students is conducted every first semester by different colleges/school. The activity aims to provide information on academic policies and campus regulations.
- Graduate Program
To qualify for admission in the program the applicant must have:
- A Bachelor’s Degree
- A high grade point average (GPA) in the baccalaureate degree from a reputable institution and/or had demonstrated ability to pursue advanced studies.
- A satisfactory evaluation conducted by the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies through:
- Examination of Official Transcript of Records
- Admission Fee
- Personal Interview
- Recommendation by two former undergraduate instructors or work supervisors.
- Undergraduate and Diploma Programs
New Student
- Senior High School Report Card or Form 138-A (Original)
- Certificate of Good Moral Character from High School Principal or Guidance Counselor
- Passing Score for MSU SASE or CET
- Police Clearance
- Long Brown Envelope
- PSA Birth Certificate, Original (to be returned) and a photocopy
- Honorable Dismissal with an Evaluative Copy of the Transcript of Record
- Certificate of Good Moral Character from school last attended
- MSU CET Report of Rating (with passing score)
- Police Clearance
- Long Brown Envelope
- PSA Birth Certificate, Original (to be returned) and a photocopy
Foreign Students
Foreign student must comply all the basic policies and procedures stipulated in Executive Order No. 285 dated September 4, 2000 (Amendment on the Guidelines governing the entry and stay of foreign students in the Philippines and the establishment of an Inter-agency Committee on Foreign Students).
A certification of English proficiency must be submitted by all foreign students from countries where English is not the medium of instruction and/or not the native language. The office of the Registrar, Admission and Scholarship (ORAS) must received all documents and other admission requirements at least one month before the start of the registration.
First Year
Students seeking admission to the degree and non-degree courses must take and pass the MSU System Admission and Scholarship Examination (MSU SASE) conducted once a year for graduating senior high school students who intend to enroll in the University for the succeeding school year. Alternative Learning System (ALS) completers with certification of completion for the Senior High School requirements are likewise required to take the SASE/CET.
The University System also administers the College Entrance Test (CET) before the start of the registration period every semester, for students from other university and senior high school graduates who have not taken the MSU SASE. The guidelines for admission are the following:
- The system/campus SASE median score is adopted as cut-off scores for admission during the academic year.
- The SASE Conditional Passers are required to enroll and pass the College Bound Program (CBP) held during the Semester Term. Only those who passed the subjects enrolled and obtained a grade point average of 85 % or better are automatically allowed admission to the regular Baccalaureate programs.
- Students who intend to enroll in Technology Program at SMFT are exempted from SASE cut off requirement, subject to a predetermined cut-off score to be decided by the Chancellor (BOR Res. 41, s. 1999).
Second Degree Applicants
- Graduates of baccalaureate program from any MSU units or any accredited school are allowed admission to another program in MSU Naawan without taking the MSU SASE or CET.
- Graduates of technology courses from any MSU units or any accredited school can be admitted to any baccalaureate program in MSU Naawan in the condition that they obtained a cumulative grade average (CGPA) of 2.5 or better.
Student from other MSU campuses and other Higher Educational Institution (HEI) who seek admission in the campus shall adhere to the following guidelines:
- Transferee from any MSU units will be admitted without taking the College Entrance Test (CET);
- Transferee from other accredited schools, who intend to pursue baccalaureate programs must take and pass the CET. All courses taken from former schools must be evaluated and validated.
- Transferee who intend to pursue Technology programs of SMFT must be from other accredited Fisheries Schools. They must take and pass the College Entrance Test (CET).
- A transferee, upon presentation of a valid Transfer Credential (Honorable Dismissal) and a copy of previous academic records, may be admitted, provided that:
- He/She obtained and average grade of at least 2.0 or better for all academic unit earned.
- He/She shall complete at MSU Naawan the 50% of the academic units required in his/her curriculum; and
- He/She shall be on a probationary basis unit such time that he/she has validated or repeated all subject taken outside the University as requisite for his/her course subject to the following conditions (MSU Code, Chapters 44 Art. 351-352):
- He/She may not be allowed to enroll in a subject with prerequisites that were taken elsewhere without validation of the University (specific college that manages the subject;
- Courses being offered for advanced credits must be validated at the rate of 18 units a semester within a period not exceeding four semesters from the date of the student’s admission.
- Failure to comply with this requirement will mean cancellation of the student’s registration privileges.
Provided, however, that validation may be waived in certain subjects when in the judgement of the department, his/her quality of performance in the higher or related courses in which the student is registered in the University demonstrate that he/she can carry on satisfactorily the academic requirements of the University.
Provided, moreover, the student concerned must initiate that request for waiver or validation within a period not exceeding four terms from the date of his/her admission.
Provided, finally, that the chairperson of the department favorably recommends such request and the Dean of the College approves it.
Internal Transferees
Internal transferees refer to MSU Naawan students leaving one program to another program. The Dean must duly approve such transfer with the recommendation of the Department Chairperson, provided, that he/she meet the entry requirements to the program.
A student from a degree program may be admitted to the technology program if he/she has incurred not more than 50% failing grades in all subjects enrolled previously.
No student previously dismissed from the program, due to scholastic deficiency, shall be allowed to transfer to another program.
Returnees refer to students who previously enrolled in MSU Naawan but did not completed the program. Returnees are required to consult the Department Chairperson of the program where they intend to enroll. Readmission is subject to the admission policies, including GPA requirements and entrance test norms enforced at the time of their return.
Official registration begins one (1) week before the first day of classes. For new students, the registration follows immediately after the admission process is completed. Registration procedures and enrollment flowchart are posted and distributed to students for information and guidance. Students are required to see their respective Registration Adviser/ Department Chairperson for the courses they want to enroll. Late registration begins one (1) week after the regular registration period. A fine of 50.00 pesos and an added 10.00 for each succeeding day but not exceeding 100, shall be imposed to each late registrant. As prescribed in the University Code, students shall not be registered in any subject after 12% of regular class meetings has been held. A student must be officially registered in order to earn credit for course work. An officially registered student would mean that he/she has:
- Submitted the requisite valid credentials;
- Paid the tuition and other school fees;
- Accomplish the Certificate of Registration; and Attended his her classes as certified by faculty-in-charge.
As a rule , enrolment by proxy is not allowed. The student being enrolled by proxy shall be responsible for any unlikable consequence. The registration privileges shall be curtailed or entirely be withdrawn for any student who drops all courses and/or drops a course without the proper approval.
- Change of Matriculation (MSU Code, Art. 345)
Changing , adding, and dropping of subjects shall be made only when the following conditions are observed: a.) valid reasons b.) within the prescribed period indicated in the school calendar, and c.) after consultation with the Department Chairperson and/or the Instructor handling the course. A prescribed form from the Office of the Registrar, Admission and Scholarship (ORAS) shall be filled-out by the student concern. The form is then submitted to the Accounting Office for adjustment of fees and is returned to the Office of the Registrar, Admission and Scholarship (ORAS) for the approval. No change of matriculation involving the taking of the new subject shall be allowed after 12% of regular class meetings has been held.
- Dropping of Course (MSU Code, Art 342-343)
A student, with the consent of his instructor and the Dean, may drop a subject by filing out the prescribed form and within the time period indicated in the school calendar. If the dropping of subject takes place after three-fourths or 75% of the hours prescribed for the course has elapsed, the instructor concerned shall be requested to state whether or not the student shall be given a grade of 5.00 for the course.
- Cross Enrolment or Cross Registration (MSU Code, Art. 315-318)
- Maximum Academic Load
The total number of credit units for which a student may register in two or more colleges or schools shall not exceed the maximum number of credit units allowed by the rules on academic load.
- From any MSU Unit and other Accredited Institution
Cross-enrollees from any MSU unit from other accredited institution or any MSU unit and from other accredited universities are required to present to the Office of the Registrar, Admission and Scholarship (ORAS) an Official Permit to cross enroll, specifying the authorized subjects to be enrolled for a given school term.
- To another Institution
Students who wish to cross-enroll accredited institution or to any MSU unit must first secure an authorization from the Dean upon recommendation of the Department Chair, that the subjects to be cross-enrolled are not offered in the campus within the given term. The student must submit the authorization to the Campus Registrar for the issuance of Official Permit to Cross-enroll, specifying and the student must submit the authorization to the Campus Registrar for the issuance of Official Permit to Cross-enroll, specifying and describing the subjects, including the authorized school, semester and school year. No credits will be given to any unauthorized cross-enrolment for any course taken in other institution.
- Enrolment Privileges
Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act (R.A. 1031) Rule 4 Sec. 22-29, provides Tertiary Educational Subsidy (TES) which shall cover the following:
- Tuition and school fees in private institutions if there are no SUCs and LUCs in the area;
- Allowance for books, supplies, transportation, and other personal and educational-related expenses, which include a “reasonable allowance for the documented rental or purchase of a personal computer or laptop;
- Allowance for board and lodging;
- For student with disability, allowance related to student’s disability;
- One time cost first time Professional licensure or certification (notarial fee, review class, insurance premium fee, and documentation fee.
- Students in private institutions if there are no SUCs and LUCs in the area;
- Students included in the Listahanan (an information management system that identifies who and where the poor are in the country) from the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD); and
- Student ranked according to per capital income based on submitted documents and to be determined by the UNIFAST Board.
- Transfer Credential
A student in good standing who desires to sever his connection from the school can apply for Transfer Credential at the Office of the Registrar, Admission and Scholarship (ORAS). The student petition for transfer credential will be approved upon:
- Presentation of written petition signed by his parents or guardian;
- Accomplishment of Certificate of Clearance to verify that he/she is cleared of accountabilities from the Institute;
- Payment of Transfer Credential, Transcript, and Certification fees; and
- Submission of Documentary stamps and return of the School ID.
The transfer credential (Honorable Dismissal) with an evaluative copy of Transcript of Records shall be issued following the scheduled dates indicated in the claim stub. A Special Power of Attorney (SPA) from the student, and a valid ID of the student and two valid IDs of the proxy are required in cases when the concerned student assigns a proxy to claim the said documents. A statement that the student has been dropped from the roll because of the poor scholastic performance may be indicated in the transfer credential. A student who leaves the University for the reason of suspension, dropping, or expulsion due to disciplinary action shall not be entitled to honorable dismissal. Should he/she be permitted to receive his transcript of records or the certification of his/her academic status in the University, it shall contain a statement of disciplinary action rendered against him.
- Consultation Hours (MSU Code, Chapter 46, Art. 361)
All course a advisers and faculty members must provide students with academic counseling for improvement of academic work within a prescribed schedule and place.
Integration Period
The Department Chair, with the approval of the Dean, may authorized any member of his unit to suspend from classes for the period not exceeding three days before the final examinations to enable the student to review. The faculty members, however, who have been authorized to suspend their classes, shall keep regular hours for consultation of work.
- Examinations (MSU Code, Art. 362)
Regular comprehensive exam such as prelim, midterm, and final examination are given every team or semester. Schedules are indicated in the school calendar. The Maximum period for each final examination shall be four hours (MSU Code, Article 362).
- Student Classification (MSU Code, Chapter 38 Art. 319-325)
- Regular Student – He/She is officially registered for the formal academic credits and enrolls the full academic load in a semester as specified in the curriculum. If a student has already finished some of the required subjects, the completed units shall be added to the units he/she is actually currently taking in the computation of his load for determining his status.
- Irregular Student – He/She is registered for formal credits but enrolls less than full academic load prescribed in a given semester by the curriculum for which he is registered.
- Special or Auditing Student -He/She is not earning formal academic credits for his work
- Full-time Student – He/She is registered for formal academic credits and enrolls at least 80% of the academic load prescribed in a given term of the curriculum.
- Part-time Student – He/She is registered for formal academic credits but enroll less than 80% of the academic load prescribed in a given term of the curriculum.
- Freshmen – He/She is a student who has finished not more than 25% of the total number of units in his entire course.
- Sophomore – He/She is a student who has finished at least 26% but not more than 50 % of the total number of units required in his entire course.
- Junior – He/She is a student who has finished at least 51% but not more than 75% of the total number of units required in his entire course.
- Senoir – He/She is a student who has finished 76% of the total number of units required in his entire course.
The Office of Registrar, Admission and Scholarship (ORAS) issues each bona fide MSU Naawan student a University ID. Student should report to the registrar any loss of the ID Card at once. Students may obtain a replacement from the Office of Registrar, Admission and Scholarship (ORAS) upon payment of fee for ID replacement.
Undergraduate and Diploma Programs
One university unit of credit is at least 18 full hours of instruction in the form of lecture, discussion, seminar, tutorial or recitation or in any combination of these forms within a semester.
- No undergraduate student shall allowed to take in one semester more than 18 non-laboratory units or 20 units including laboratory work. Exceptions to this are courses in which the formal semestral load is more than 18 units.
- However, a student with a GPA of 1.5 or better in the previous regular semester may be permitted by the Dean to carry more than 21 non-laboratory units or 23 units including laboratory work.
- This rule however, shall not affect or alter existing course duly approved by the University Council and Board of Regents in which the normal load per semester is more than 18 units.
- In the third or summer term, the normal load shall be six (6) units; the Dean may allow a student to take nine (9) units but only for justifiable cases.
- A graduating student (one who needs only 42 units to satisfy the requirements of his course) may be permitted to enrolled 21 non-laboratory units or 23 units with laboratory work in either a regular term of his last year.
- The graduating student, however must have a GPA of 2 .0 or better during the previous regular term, provided, that his maximum load during the third term shall not be more than 9 units.
The rule on attendance, unless otherwise specifically provide, shall be followed in all other units of the University including the National Service Training Program (NSTP) and Physical Education.
- Any student, who is obliged to be absent from class due to unavoidable cause/s , must obtain an excuse slip from the Office of the Students Affairs/Dean and present it to the instructor concerned not later than the second session of the class after the date of the student’s return.
- The student must secure a certificate of illness from the University Physician. The student must report all illness causing his absence from class to the Institute Infirmary within three days after his absence.
- Excuses are for the time missed only. All work covered by the class shall be complied to the satisfaction of the instructor within a reasonable time.
- Whenever a student has been absent from his class for two consecutive class meetings, the faculty member concerned should send a report to the Office of the Registrar, Admission, and Scholarships (ORAS), through the Dean. The Office of the Registrar, Admission, and Scholarships (ORAS) shall call the student and notify his parents or guardian immediately.
- When the number of hours lost by absence in one semester reach 20 percent of the hours of recitation, lecture, laboratory or any other scheduled work in one subject for that semester, the student shall be dropped out of the class roll.
- The student will be marked “Dropped” if the majority of his absences are not excused.
- The student will be given a grade of 5.0 if the majority of his absences are not excused.
- The student will be dropped from the rolls if the unexcused absences of the student reach 30 %
- Time lost by late enrolment shall be considered as time lost by absence.
A student may file a written petition for leave of absence to the Dean due to illness or similar justifiable cause/s. Application for leave of absence shall not be granted later than two (2) weeks before the last day of classes during the term of semester.
For the leave of absence availed during the second half of the semester, the faculty member concerned shall be required to indicate the class standing of the student as either “Passing” or “Failing” at the time of the application for leave. Application for leave of absence shall not be approved without stipulation of the student’s class standing. This, however, should not be entered in the official Report of Grades.
If a student withdraws after the three-fourths of the total number of hours prescribed for the course has already elapsed, his instructor may given him a grade of 5 if his class standing up to the time of his withdrawal is below 3. A student who withdraws from school without formal leave of absence shall have his registration privileges curtailed or entirely withdrawn.
Any student under scholarship and/or grant may apply for a sick leave of absence without forfeiting his scholarship and/or grant when it is for a justifiable reason duly certified to and recommend by the University Physician. Such privilege can only be granted for a period of one academic year or its equivalent. A third leave of absence automatically forfeits the student from the enjoyment of the scholarship and/or grant.
The tenure of the students in Mindanao State University is limited to a maximum of six (6) years for the conferment of a degree in a four-year program, or seven (7) years in five-year program. However, this policy shall not apply to part-time students enrolling in mot more than twelve (12) units per term or semester and to those admitted under special programs which normally require longer time for students to complete the course requirements.
In order for a student to qualify for a student to qualify for a little or degree, he/she must complete the requirements of a course of any department within the following time limit form the start of schoolwork:
- For two years preparatory course – 3 years
- For three-year course —————- 5 years
- For four-year course —————– 6 years
- For five-year course —————— 7 years
- For Master degree ——————– 5 years ( after admission to candidacy)
Special cases shall be considered at the discretion of the President of the University or the Chancellor upon recommendation of the Dean.
Every substitution of subjects must be based on at least one of the following conditions:
- When a student is pursuing a curriculum that has been superseded by a new one, and the substitution tends to bring the old curriculum in line with the new one;
- Conflict of hours between two or more required subjects; or when the required subject is not offered.
- Every petition for substitution must:
- The subjects should be from the same department if possible; if not, the two subjects must be allied to each other.
- Be between subjects carrying the same number of units.
- It is recommended by the adviser ang by the chairperson of the department.
- All petitions of substitution must be submitted to the Office of the Dean before 12 percent of the regular class meetings have been held during the term. Any petition submitted thereafter shall be considered for the following semester.
- Substitution shall not be allowed for any subject prescribed in the curriculum in which the student has failed or received a grade of 5.0;except when, in the opinion of the department offering the prescribed subjects, the proposed substitute covers substantially the same subject matter as the required subjects.
- The Dean shall act upon all applications for substitution. In case the action of the Dean is adverse to the recommendation of the adviser and the chairperson of the Department concerned, the student may appeal to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs whose decision shall be final.
A student, duly matriculated or whose application for admission has already been approved, may apply for advance credit for works done in another institution by:
- Presenting his credentials showing that he has passed the course in the previously attended institution which are fully equivalent to those offered in Mindanao State University for which advanced credit is sought; and,
- Passing the validating tests administered for the purpose by the concerned department.
Application for advanced credit shall be made on a prescribed form from the Office of the Registrar, Admission and Scholarship (ORAS) and to be submitted to the department chairperson, who shall recommend it to the Dean.
If the Dean is satisfied that the application is in order, he shall cause the proper department chair to conduct the validating test or determine the possibility of having the test waived. The regular period for holding these validating tests shall begin one week before the first day of registration at the opening of each term, and shall end one week after the last day of registration and upon payment of the prescribed fee per subject.
Transferees from other MSU units and those coming from accredited institutions may be given advanced credits for subjects taken without taking any validation test, provided that, the courses taken and passed in those institutions carry the same course description, title, and number of units in the curriculum enrolled in.
The grant of advanced credits for courses taken from other institutions but which have no equivalent in the University shall be decided by the Evaluation Panel of the School/College concerned. Granting of advance credits for courses taken from duly recognized foreign schools and schools operated by the Armed Forces of the United States and of the Republic of the Philippines shall be referred to the University Code, Articles 358-360.
The Grades
The work of the student shall be granted at the end of each term in accordance with the following grading system: (BOR Res. No. 12, s. 1997)
- 1.00 and 1.25 – Excellent
- 1.50 and 1.75 – Very good
- 2.00 and 2.25 -Good
- 2.50 and 2.75 – Satisfactory
- 3.00 ———– Passing
- 5.00 ———– Failure
- Inc.————- Incomplete
- IP ————– In Progress
- P ————— Passed (for thesis)
- Completed —- for FT 197
- DRP ———— Dropped
- ODP ———— Officially dropped
- W ————— Waived final exam
- WP ————- Withdrawn with permission
All M.S/Ph.D. student must obtain a CGPA of 2.0 to qualify for graduation. A mark of Inc shall be given to a student who fails to appear for final examination or to comply with other prescribed requirements due to illness or other valid reasons. If in the opinion of the Dean the absence from the examination is justified, the student may be given examination. In case the class is not passing and the student fails to take the final examination for any reason, a grade of 5.0 is given.
Inc. is also given for any unfinished work. If a student passes an examination for the removal of an Inc. he shall be given a final grade of 3 or better; if he/she fails, the final grade shall be 5.0 (MSU Code, Art 363).
Re-examination shall be permitted only for purposes of removing Inc. grades. A student is not allowed re-examination for improving his grade (MSU Code, Art. 365).
A mark of W means final examination is waived on the date scheduled and shall be taken later.
Removal of Incomplete Grades
The deficiency indicated by the grade of Inc. must be removed within the prescribed time; otherwise, the grade becomes 5.0. The period for the removal of grades of Incomplete must not extend beyond one academic year from the time the grade was received. The one-year academic period allowed for the removal shall be interpreted as extending to the regular semester removal period immediately following the one-year period. For the purpose of determining the scholastic or scholarship status of any student, Inc ratings are computed as 5.0, unless these are completed before the end of the next registration period.
The Office of the Registrar, Admission and Scholarships (ORAS) will provide the prescribed completion form upon payment of 20.00 pesos per subject. Students who are not in residence shall pay the registration fee other than examination fee, in order to be entitled to take the removal examination.
Removal examination and completion should be administered only upon:
- The consent of the instructor and with indication of the date of completion/examination;
- The recommendation of the Dean; and
- The approval of the Office of the Registrar, Admission and Scholarships (ORAS)
Grades must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar, Admission and Scholarships (ORAS) not later than three (3) days after the authorized date of examination.
Waiver of Final Examination
The waiver for final examination shall not apply to all regular, academic, and entrance scholars of the University. However, students who are enrolled under the special programs for the culturally disadvantaged segments of the region shall be extended the privileges of waiving the final examination.
In general, any student who feels he is not adequately prepared to take the final examination at the end of the semester may file, with the approval of the instructor, a written request to take said examination in the following semester.
The student must file the waiver of final examination not later than two weeks before the date of final examination. The final examination for such waiver shall be held within the third week preceding the final examination of the next semester.
Failure to take the final examination for such waiver may mean forfeiture of the privilege to take the same examination at a later date and the instructor shall given the student a grade of 5.0.
Any student whose application for waiver of final examination is approved shall continue to attend his classes until the last day; otherwise, the rules and regulations on attendance and absences shall apply.
The waiver of the final examination shall be granted only on condition that the student shall devote more time to study the subject for which waiver is sought by either registering in a remedial class in that subject or by receiving instruction under a tutor, preferably a member of the University faculty. The waiver for examination shall not be granted for more than two subjects in any semester.
Any student whose academic performance is consistently unsatisfactory during the semester shall not be allowed to waive a subject. As a prerequisite to the approval of a permit to take the final examination for such waiver, a certificate signed by the instructor or tutor to the effect and truth attestation that the said student has received instruction under him/her shall be attached.
Any student whose scholastic performance in class is below a grade of 3.0 or passing shall be subjected to the following rules:
Rule No. 1 Warning – At the end of the semester, any student who obtains a final grade of below 3.0 in 25% to 49% of the number of his/her registered academic units shall be warned by the Dean to improve his/her work.
Rule No.2 Probation – At the end of the semester, any student who obtains a final grade of below 3.0 in 50% to 75% of the total number of his/her registered academic units shall be placed on probation for the succeeding semester. His load shall be limited to the extent as determined by the Dean; provided, that this shall not apply to a student who receives final grades in less than six (6) academic units.
The probation may be removed:
- By raising the number of units passed to over 50% of the total number of units in which he/she has final grades by passing removal examinations, or waiver examinations;
- By removing the Inc. grades before the close of the next succeeding terms; and
- By passing 100 % of the units enrolled in the succeeding semester.
Rule No. 3 Dismissal
3.1.) At the end of the semester, any student who obtain a final grade of below 3. in at least 76% of the total number of registered academic units shall be dropped from the roll in his/her college or school; provided that, this shall apply to students who received final grades in less that 9 academic units.
3.2.)Any student on probation in accordance with Rule No. 2, who again fails in 50% or more in the total number of units enrolled in, shall be dropped from the roll of his college and school.
3.3.) Any student dismissed under paragraphs (3.1) and (3.2) but has grades of Inc. or W, may take removal examinations or waiver examinations or may complete his/her grades before the next registration period. If, after taking the examination, the units in which his/her grades are below 3.0 constitute less than 76% or 50% (see 3.1 and 3.2 above) of the academic units in which he/she has final grades, his/her dismissal shall be lifted. If he/she fails to take the removal examination before the close of the next registration period, his/her dismissal shall be final; and he/she can no longer take the removal examination. The term “next registration period” in the above rules refers to the period following his suspension.
3.4.) Any student dropped from one college or school shall not ordinarily be admitted to another unit of Mindanao State University. However, in extraordinary cases where the student’s natural aptitude is along another college, school or department where his/her natural aptitude may be developed, but on the recommendation of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
Rule No.4 Permanent Disqualification
4.1) Any student who, at the end of the semester, obtains final grades below 3 in 100% of the academic units shall be permanently barred from readmission to any college and school of the University. However, this provision shall not apply to students who receive final grades in less than 12 units academic units.
4.2) Likewise, any student who was dropped in accordance with Rule 3 (3.1) or (3.2) and again to drop him, shall not be eligible for readmission to any college or school of the University.
4.3) The scholarship rule regarding permanent disqualification (Rule 4), does not apply to cases where, on the recommendation of the instructor concerned, the faculty certifies that the grade of 5 were due to the student’s authorized dropping of the subject and not to poor scholarship. However, if the unauthorized withdrawal takes place after the midterm and the student’s class standing is poor, his grade of 5 shall be counted against him for the purpose of this scholarship rule.
The Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs shall deal with these cases on their individual merits and shall recommend to the Chancellor that the student be dismissed and be allowed to transfer to another department or college, or be placed on probation; but in no case of readmission shall be the action be lighter than probation.
4.4 Any student who fails twice in any basic course shall be dismissed from the University without the benefit of readmission. However, a student who fails in any major course may be re-admitted to another course upon approval of the Dean.
To determine the scholastic standing of any student, the grades received during the summer term and the first semester of the ensuing academic year shall be considered as having been received in one semester. This will ensure that the standing of the student for the ensuing second semester is the result of the computation of his summer and first semester general weighted average grade. However, the subjects/taken during summer is/are clearly defined as a regular offering in a given summer in the approved curriculum the student is following.
Non-Admission of Dismissed Students
Non-admission of a student seeking transfer to other colleges after having been dismissed from his/her college due to scholastic deficiency shall be enforced. Transfer to the two- year technology course is an exception. The application of these rules shall be under the supervision of the Office of the Registrar, Admission and Scholarship (ORAS).
The MSU Code, Article 399, states that the faculty of each college or school in consultation with the Dean, and upon approval of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs shall implement suitable and effective rules governing delinquent students, subject to the above minimum standards.
Retention Policy of Undergraduate Students
Retention policies of the various academic departments shall be subject to system-wide retention policies to be developed and approved by the MSU board of Regents; provided that, no student shall be forced or required to shift from a program if he/she has already earned more than 12 major units or unless officially DISMISSED from the University (BOR Res. No. 62, s 1999)
- If a student enrolled l in undergraduate thesis fails to satisfy the requirements at the end of the semester, he/she shall be given a grade/remark of “In Progress”. He/She shall be required to continually enroll the undergraduate thesis every semester units its completion. Thesis enrolment forms shall include the signature of the thesis adviser among the set of signatories. Re-enrolment, however, in this course shall limited to only four (4) semesters after the time he/she incurred an “In Progress” grade/remark.
- A student shall be given a grade of Passed only after meeting two (2)conditions: (a) a successful defense , and (b) presentation of the required copies of a bound thesis. It is the duly of the thesis adviser to submit the student’s grade. Deadline for submission of undergraduate thesis grades shall be the same deadline required for all other courses.
- A student shall be assigned to a thesis adviser during his/her enrolment in the course 198 (Methods of Research). He/She shall be given an adviser by midterm when the student is expected to be prepared to start finalizing the undergraduate thesis proposal or its equivalent. The proposal in Course 198 should be continued, worked out, and finalized in Course 199, unless necessary that changes be made.
- The thesis adviser may be replaced only upon the approval of the Department Chair, in consultation with both thesis advisers, outgoing and incoming. Designating a faculty member as thesis adviser and replacing one with another shall be put into writings.
- The acts designating a faculty member as thesis adviser and replacing one with another shall be in writing.
- The manuscript for thesis defense should be submitted at least 5 working days before the defense. At least 6 weeks before the last day of submission of bound copies, the student must have successfully defended his thesis. Within the six-week period after the defense, a final draft must be prepared by the student.