Kelly John Robillos, CESS Senator, Mindanao State University at Naawan student, and IIigan City youth leader, represented the Philippines at the Global Youth Economic Opportunities Summit in Washington DC as a member of Opportunity 2.0 Youth. The summit focused on the importance of green skills and the green economy for a sustainable and progressive world. Kelly presented the Local Labor Market Assessment (LLMA) and the Youth Development Alliance in the Philippines, emphasizing their role in creating opportunities and aligning skills training with green sector needs.
The USAID Opportunity 2.0 Program’s LLMA, conducted by the Education Development Center in 15 Philippine cities, is a three-step process.
First, youth champions from various sectors collect information about the local economy. Second, youth leaders gather data from fellow youth about their interests, goals, and training, employment, and livelihood needs. Finally, both groups analyze the collected data to identify top sectors, markets, and skills training programs for out-of-school youth.
With the growing demand for green sector skills, out-of-school youth can play a vital role with proper training and information.
The LLMA ensures that youth voices are central to the process through focused group discussions and sensemaking workshops. Youth can influence the sectors and training prioritized, as well as the design and delivery of skills training programs. The LLMA also recognizes youth’s role in disseminating information through communication materials distributed in various channels.
By putting youth interests and voices at the forefront, the LLMA ensures that programs are responsive to their needs and context while fostering youth ownership.